The Wheel of Time is preparing to crank back up again, with the first three episodes arriving March 13 on Prime Video; like seasons one and two, it’ll run eight episodes, with a weekly drop after the premiere through April 17. That mini-binge may be enough to plunge you back into Robert Jordan’s world (after yesterday’s amuse-bouche: the limited-time early release of the season’s fiery first 11 minutes), but if you need a reminder of where season two left off, io9’s got you covered.
First, though, here are some Wheel of Time explainers we’ve shared in the past: The io9 Guide to Wheel of Time, which digs into the epic Robert Jordan book series that provides its source material, as well as Everything to Remember About Wheel of Time Ahead of Season 2, which explains the premise of the series and goes over the main characters that were introduced in season one. That post also details the events of season one—including the reveal that Rand al’Thor is the Dragon Reborn, destined to face off with the Dark One in a “Last Battle” that will either end or save the world.
That 2023 post also notes something that’s worth re-iterating: you don’t have to read the Robert Jordan books to enjoy the series. But the creators of the Prime Video adaptation (led by showrunner Rafe Judkins) do sprinkle in Easter eggs for longtime fans, while making sure to explore the finer points of the lore for newcomers.
What happened in The Wheel of Time season two?
Following season one’s climactic showdown with the Dark One—in the form of his fiercest representative, the Forsaken named Ishamael—the Two Rivers friends were mostly scattered across different lands.
Rand, fearful that he might hurt his loved ones because channeling the One Power has a way of driving men mad, told Moiraine to spread the word that didn’t survive the fight at the end of season one. He’s now in Cairhien, working at an asylum and spending his nights with an alluring innkeeper named Selene. (He’s still in love with Egwene, but circumstances being what they are…) His “disguise” is a shaved head, not that anyone who’s not in league with the forces of darkness would recognize him. Unfortunately for Rand, Selene turns out to be Lanfear—another Forsaken. She’s still carrying a torch for the last Dragon after 3,000 years, and isn’t going to give up her hold on Rand without a fight. Eventually, Moiraine turns up in Cairhien and lets Rand know his new squeeze is very bad news—though Lanfear, who tends to put her own agenda first, does help Rand, Moiraine, and Rand escape the city when Siuan Sanche tries to ensnare Rand, viewing him as a weapon only the Aes Sedai should have access to.
At the White Tower, Nynaeve and Egwene are in training to be Aes Sedai; both are known to be powerful channelers, especially Nyneave, though as of yet she’s unable to control her abilities. Despite that, she endures the harrowing test required of Novices to become an Accepted. Another Novice, the young royal Elayne Trakand, is assigned as Egwene’s roommate, and the newly minted trio escape the tower together on a rescue mission to find Perrin after Liandrin—an Aes Sedai who’s secretly in league with the forces of evil—tells them he’s been captured. However, Liandrin ends up kidnapping the girls and presenting them to the Seanchan, a sinister invading force that enslaves women connected to the One Power and uses them as “damane,” instruments of war. Nynaeve and Elayne escape, but Egwene is put through endless torture as her assigned handler (or “sul’dam”), Renna, tries to break her spirit and bring her to heel.
Meanwhile, Perrin’s own entanglements with the Seanchan come after he’s been on a quest to find the Horn of Valere, an essential artifact that was stolen by a Darkfriend at the end of season one. He also learns he’s a Wolfbrother, with a unique connection to wolves as well as the ability to glimpse the future, and encounters Aviendha, a fierce Aiel warrior, who pledges to help him after he saves her life. The remaining member of the Two Rivers group, Mat, starts off the season imprisoned in the White Tower as he tries to shake off the lingering effects of the cursed dagger that nearly ruined him in season one; he befriends Min, a fellow prisoner with the gift of foresight, who warns him of her vision that he’ll eventually kill Rand.
As for Lan and Moiraine, they spend much of season two on shaky ground after Ishamael severed Moiraine’s connection to the One Power at the end of season one. Moiraine—who’s been banned from the White Tower, on top of her complicated personal and political relationship with Siuan Sanche—has to do a lot of soul-searching to figure out who she is without her magic, though she does remain firmly committed to shepherding Rand along the path to his destiny. Lan and Nyneave find time to realize they’re in love with each other, in a storyline that doesn’t get too much traction. In maybe the season’s most cathartic moment, Rand realizes Moiraine hasn’t lost her connection to the One Power—she’s merely been knotted off from it—and he’s able to restore her abilities just ahead of the finale.
What happened at the end of The Wheel of Time season two?
All roads lead to Falme, where the main characters—plus all the newbies we met this season, including Elayne and Aviendha—reunite at last, and everyone works together to fight Ishamael. This time he’s vanquished, in a reverse of the season one finale. Teamwork!
That is a very simplified description of all the insanity that takes place in the finale, including (but not limited to) Egwene murdering Renna and reclaiming her agency and burgeoning powers; Mat blowing the mythical Horn of Valere, summoning dead heroes from the past to help with the battle against the Seanchan; and Rand’s status as the Dragon Reborn finally being broadcast to the world at large.
At the very, very end of the episode, Lanfear meets another Forsaken, Moghedien, who gleefully tells her all the Forsaken are now released—one last parting gift from Ishamael—which can only mean trouble for everybody as the Last Battle approaches.
What can we expect from The Wheel of Time season three?
Prime Video has yet to put a timetable on The Wheel of Time, but it’s not yet been renewed past season three—which means we may or may not be about to see Rand finally fighting that potentially world-ending Last Battle. No pressure!
Here’s the official description of what’s to come: “In season three, as threats against the Light are multiplying, Moiraine Damodred (Rosamund Pike) and Rand al’Thor (Josha Stradowski) embark on a perilous journey to the Aiel Waste to uncover the true fate of the Dragon Reborn. With the Forsaken in hot pursuit and Rand’s corrupted power growing stronger, Moraine must prevent the Dragon from turning Dark… no matter the cost.” Book readers have even more to go on, knowing that season three will adapt events from The Shadow Rising and The Fires of Heaven, the fourth and fifth books in Jordan’s series.
Plus, we know there will be even more new characters joining the action, including some played by confirmed genre favorites, including Shohreh Aghdashloo (The Expanse) as Elaida a’Roihan, an Aes Sedai who advises Elayne’s mother, Queen Morgase Trakand of Andor (Dune: Prophecy‘s Olivia Williams).
The Wheel of Time season three premieres March 13 on Prime Video.
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