At last, a Trek themed mug for a drink that deserves it.
The Star Trek replica drink receptacle arms race is heating up faster than a phaser set to “whatever the hell was necessary at the end of ‘Conspiracy’.” Late last year, we got news that, after almost a decade of hiatus, an official recreation of the glass cup Picard famously drank tea from across The Next Generation would be making it back to shelves. Now, for the coffee drinkers, there’s an alternative: this wonderful take on the funky mugs DS9‘s Replimat offered for the far superior drink of choice on the show.
TrekCore reports that CherryTree–best known to Trek fans for their line of licensed PC cases, notably various hulking Borg Cubes–has started selling a line of “no spill” style mugs inspired by the famously sci-fi looking mugs the stars of Deep Space Nine regularly drunk Klingon raktajino out of across the series. Two varieties of raktajino mug were common on the show: the blue-hued cup commonly served at the Replimat restaurant on DS9’s promenade, and an alternative, indented-rimmed design served at Quark’s (simply a Hotjo mug by Highwave, who still sells them). The former, however, is much harder for fans to find: according to CherryTree, Feltman Langer, who designed the mug, let the patent on the design expire in the late ’90s, and when it did sell them, the shade of blue seen on the show was done by DS9‘s art department.
While the new mugs aren’t officially licensed replicas like the recent Bodum “Picard Cup”–CherryTree simply sells them as “If You Know, You Know” mugs–they’re the closest Deep Space Nine fans are going to get. Even with the inaccuracy that the CherryTree mug cheekily includes the wonderfully annoying jingle Quark came up with to entice patrons to his bar on the bottom!
The “IYKYK” mug is available to order now for $30–a price worth paying to pretend you’re supping on Klingon java at one of the best locales in all of Star Trek.
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